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How Do You Build an Effective Employee Training Plan?

There are two panes. In the first, a person is in the kitchen. The kitchen is organized and there are cooking utensils on the counter. In the second pane, the same person is in the kitchen, but the kitchen is messy and there are spills on the counter.

Imagine you're at home deciding what to make for dinner. Which ends up being a better meal:  

a) One where you planned, had all the ingredients on hand, and studied the recipe to have an idea of the steps involved; or  

b) One where you tried to throw it together last minute? 

While you're going to have something to eat at the end of the day, the former provides a smoother experience, doesn't it?  

The same can be said for employee training and development. Yes, you can sign up for training here and there without thinking about the bigger picture. 

However, in our experience, having an employee training program provides a smoother, more productive experience across the board. This remains true, whether you are a training organizer or a participant.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of creating an effective employee development plan that not only addresses your training needs but also helps improve employee performance and retention.  

An instructor is standing in front of a giant clipboard and is teaching a class of three students.

Why Is Developing a Training Program Important?  

A good training plan outlines clear objectives, milestones, and timelines, ensuring that both individual learners and organizations have a roadmap to follow. Without a plan in place, training efforts may lack direction, leading to inefficiency and wasted resources. 

Besides providing a structured approach to your employee's training and development, there are many benefits to a successful training program.  

When speaking to our Human Resources colleagues, one of the challenges they face is gaining support from upper management. No matter how much you explain the benefits of training or highlight how it improves employee retention, when management can see the ROI for themselves, your training initiatives will gain more support. 

How can you show that your team's development directly contributes to organizational success? A good training strategy will include details on how different training objectives connect with your organization's overarching business goals.  

It can also become part of your performance management process. By identifying specific skills and competencies to be learned through training, employers can better address performance gaps and enhance employee productivity. 

A person is looking at a sign that reads, Sign Up.

Building a Successful Training Strategy Begins with Setting a Baseline  

When it comes to crafting an effective training strategy, starting with a solid foundation is key. That's why we kick things off by taking a good look at where your team stands right now. Our approach at Great Canadian Training is all about tailoring our programs as much as possible to fit your team, so getting to know you is our top priority. 

Who Is on Your Team? 

Let's begin by understanding who makes up your team. Are they a mix of new employees and seasoned pros who've been around the block? And what about age diversity—are there different generations bringing their unique perspectives to the table? Knowing your team inside and out helps us shape an effective employee training plan that meets everyone's needs. 

How Does Your Team Work?  

Next up, let's talk about how your team gets things done. What tools and programs do they use day in and day out? Are these tools helping your team be more effective? Or are they running into roadblocks, and if so, what are they? Are they masters of the software they use, or could they use a little boost in certain areas? 

And speaking of locations, are they all under one roof, working remotely, or somewhere in between? Understanding these details helps us tailor the training experience to fit seamlessly into your team's workflow. 

What Type of Training Would Be Most Appealing to Your Team?  

Now, let's get personal. What types of employee training will your team prefer? Should it be online training or would they prefer to be in person?  

Should it be spread out over several days or would it help employees to have it done all at once? Where is your team located? While we schedule our public training using Eastern Standard Time, we know you may be located elsewhere. We are happy to accommodate your team, even if you are in a different time zone (or zones) across Canada and the United States.  

And most importantly, what's going to stick with them the longest? By choosing training methods that match your team's preferences and learning styles, we ensure that the whole experience feels like a natural fit. 

An Effective Employee Training and Development Plan Identifies the Gaps 

To pinpoint the gaps in your team's skill set, it's crucial to delve into the real challenges they're grappling with on a day-to-day basis. And who better to shed light on these obstacles than the team members themselves? By opening channels for employee feedback, you tap into a goldmine of insights that can illuminate where the team needs to grow. 

Encouraging candid conversations and actively seeking input from your team creates an atmosphere of collaboration and shared responsibility. Whether it's through casual chats, structured surveys, or group discussions, gathering insights from those on the front lines allows you to complete a comprehensive training needs analysis.  

Crafting an effective employee training program to address these gaps isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavour. It's about tailoring solutions that meet the unique needs and preferences of your team. By taking a proactive approach to identifying and addressing skill gaps, you not only bolster individual performance but also cultivate a culture of learning and development within your organization. Investing in your team's growth isn't just good for business—it's an investment in the long-term success and resilience of your team. 

An Effective Training Program Looks Ahead 

As you look ahead to the coming year, it's time to dream big and set some ambitious goals for your team. But setting those goals is just the beginning—you need a roadmap to turn those dreams into reality. That's where outlining the steps required to achieve those goals comes in. 

Think about the skills and knowledge your team will need to reach those milestones. Are there new technologies they'll need to master or industry trends they should stay ahead of? By taking a proactive approach to identifying these needs, you can ensure that your team is well-equipped to tackle whatever challenges come their way. 

This forward-thinking approach isn't just about checking boxes—it's about aligning your training program with the long-term objectives of your organization. By investing in the skills and knowledge your team will need to succeed in the future, you're not only preparing them for tomorrow's challenges—you're helping to build a stronger, more resilient organization from the ground up. 

Build Your Employee Training Program with the Experts at Great Canadian Training 

A successful employee training plan will include collaborating with experts in the field. That is where we come in! At The Great Canadian Training & Consulting Company, we offer tailored solutions that can accommodate your team's unique challenges and availability. Our approach to providing quality training allows for more employee engagement - our training sessions are developed with their training goals in mind. Here's how we do that. 

Private Training  

Private training offers a tailored approach to employee development, ensuring that training content and learning objectives are aligned with organizational goals. In instructor-led training sessions, participants engage actively, fostering better comprehension and retention of the material. This hands-on approach not only enhances the learning experience but also encourages collaboration among team members, promoting a culture of continuous improvement. 

Developing a private training program allows for control over the quality of the content and delivery, ensuring relevance and effectiveness. By investing in high-quality, hands-on training, organizations demonstrate their commitment to employee development, paving the way for long-term success. 

Our Innovative GREAT Series  

Our "GREAT" series stands out by combining technical and soft skills training for busy professionals. For example, our Become Great with Time Management Skills and Microsoft Outlook Tools training course combines technical training (Microsoft Outlook) with time management principles to help your employees better manage their time. The training material is organized in such a way that you can receive training on both topics in one day! 

Upskilling Workshops to Fill in the Gaps 

Upskilling workshops offer a targeted approach to employee development, focusing on filling in specific skill gaps rather than starting from scratch. These workshops are designed to address identified areas of improvement within the team, providing targeted training to enhance existing competencies. By honing in on specific skills or knowledge gaps, upskilling workshops offer a more efficient and effective way to boost employee capabilities, allowing individuals to quickly acquire the skills they need to excel in their roles. 

Create Your Employee Training Plan Today 

If you are ready to build an effective training program for your team, reach out to our training coordinators today! We are happy to provide you with a complimentary Training Strategy Session that will help guide you as you design a customized training plan tailored to your organization's specific needs and goals. With our comprehensive approach to employee training, you can ensure that your team stays competitive, productive and engaged! Email us at to get started or use the chat button on the right side of the screen.  

How to Get Started

Learn more about all our training options here. We would love to help you reach your goals.
To learn more about the programs and packages that we offer, please click here for anywhere in North America.

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Interested in training with us? Take a look at the courses we offer and register for public classes on our website! Click here to take a look!

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Want to find out more about our training? Call Great Canadian Training at 416-264-6247, 613-235-6161 or 1-833-209-2624, or email us. We’re always happy to answer your questions!

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