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Adobe Captivate Level 1 (Basic)

What You'll Learn in Adobe Captivate Level 1 (Basic)

Course Length:

12 hours (2 days)

Learning Objectives

You’ll learn to add, modify, and control the timing of objects such as text captions, images, and highlight boxes. You’ll learn to record, import and edit audio, and how to further enhance the learner experience by adding interactivity via click boxes, buttons, and text entry boxes.

Target Student

New Adobe Captivate users who need to learn and apply the most important features of the software.

Course Outline

Section 1: eLearning and Captivate

As your class ramps up, you won’t just learn how to start Captivate and click each tool, you’ll begin the process of creating eLearning lessons from the ground up. You’ll not only learn how to create effective eLearning, but why those lessons will be effective.

Section 2: Explore the Captivate Interface

Zoom and Magnify

Navigate a Project

Preview a Project

Create a New Project

Section 3: Recording Demos and Sims

Recording your desktop actions is one of Captivate’s key features… and you’ll cover the hottest recording modes: demo, assessment, training and custom.

Rehearse a Script

Edit Recording Settings

Set Recording Keys

Record a Demonstration

Record an Assessment

Record a Training Simulation

Record a Custom Simulation

Section 4: Captions, Styles and Timing

Once you’ve recorded your lessons, the real work begins. During these lessons, you will learn how to add text captions, set object styles and control the timing of slide objects.

Insert, Resize and Move Text Captions

Modify Text Caption Properties

Edit the Default Caption Style

Change a Callout Type Used by a Text Caption

Control Slide Timing

Control Slide Object Timing

Check Spelling

Align Slide Objects

Section 5: Images and Drawing Objects

Adding images to your project will enhance the lesson. These lessons will teach you how to add images, manipulate them and manage them.

Insert, Resize and Restore an Image

Transform an Image’s Size and Position

Use the Library

Manage Unused Project Assets

Crop and Rename an Image

Remove a Background Colour

Insert a Cloud Callout

Create an Image Slideshow

Section 6: Pointers, Buttons and Highlight Boxes

If you’ve created a demonstration, that pesky mouse can sometimes have a mind of its own. You’ll learn how to tame that wild mouse during these lessons. Then you’ll learn how to add some basic interactivity to a lesson via buttons.

Add a Visual Click and Sound

Modify the Mouse Pointer

Insert and Format a Text Button

Set a Button’s Pause After Timing

Work With Image Buttons

Insert and Format a Highlight Box

Section 7: Rollovers and Zoom Areas

Rollovers and Zoom Areas enhance the eLearning experience by encouraging interactivity (rollovers) and grabbing the learner’s attention (zoom areas). Learn them both during these lessons.

Insert a Rollover Caption

Insert a Rollover Image

Insert a Zoom Area

Insert and Format a Rollover Slidelet

Format the Rollover Area

Add a Caption and Image to a Rollover Area

Section 8: Audio

eLearning lessons that contain voiceover audio and sound effects are more effective than lessons that don’t… and that’s just a fact! Learn how to add, edit and record audio during these lessons. And if that’s not enough, you’ll also learn how to convert Text-to-Speech, which is just cool!

Import Audio onto a Slide Object

Import Background Audio

Add a Slide Note

Calibrate a Microphone

Record Slide Audio

Import a Voiceover onto a Slide

Edit an Audio File

Insert Silence

Convert Text-to-Speech

Section 9: Video, Animation & Effects

In a word, Flash Video is cool! Learn how to add Flash Video to your eLearning lessons. There are lessons for adding Animation and special effects too.

Insert a Flash Video

Set Flash Video Properties

Add Animation to a Slide

Insert Text Animation

Apply an Effect to a Slide Object

Apply a Glow Filter Effect

Modify Effect Properties

Save and Import Effects

Section 10: Creating Simulations Out of Demonstrations

Interactive eLearning is generally thought to be more effective than passive demonstration videos. During these lessons, learn how to convert an existing demonstration into a highly engaging, interactive powerhouse.

Hide the Mouse

Replace Phrases

Insert a Click Box

Insert a Text Entry Box

Section 11: Working with Microsoft PowerPoint

Oftentimes the eLearning project begins in Microsoft PowerPoint. Why not use that content in your Captivate project? These lessons will help you master the PowerPoint to Captivate workflow.

Import PowerPoint Slides

Resize One Object and Apply to All

Round-Trip PowerPoint Edits

Sync with Source

Rescale a Project

Section 12: Introduction to Question Slides

Captivate sports some robust quizzing tools. You’ll learn how to set up, create and edit question slides.

Edit Quizzing Object Styles

Set the Quiz Preferences

Insert Question Slides

Format a Question Slide

Add an Image to a Question Slide

Section 13: Publishing

No project is finished until it’s published so that it can be consumed by your learners. Learn the best publishing format to use for the widest audience (including SWF and the new HTML5 output). Learn how to add a TOC to your lessons and the ideal settings for publishing.

Create a Link to a Website

Apply a Skin

Edit, Save and Delete a Skin

Create a TOC

Check Publish Settings and Add a Loading Screen

Publish a SWF and PDF

Run the HTML5 Tracker

Publish as HTML5

Export Captions

Perform a “Round Trip”

Adobe Captivate Level 1 (Basic)

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This course comes with

PDF Reference Guide

Take the Reference Guide anywhere and save the environment with an electronic copy of your training Reference Guide for use on any of your computers or devices